Limiting Beliefs

Dedicated to my late, dear friend, Jon Kragness, who was a strong believer in the principle of limiting beliefs.

How to Arrive at a Joyful, Fulfilled Place.

When things align perfectly for us, we often talk about being in the right place at the right time. How do we get to this place?

Many sources state it doesn’t happen accidentally. We prepare, make decisions, and take different paths, although not always in a conscious way. We attract people and events into our lives congruent with our thoughts and actions. We’ve heard that many times before. Based on the extensive coverage and vast number of writers and speakers advocating this principle, by now most of us should be on the way to enlightenment. But are we?

What stops us from getting to the joyful, fulfilled state even though we know what we should do to get there? It might be a disbelief in what we can do, acting as a self-fulfilling prophecy. It might be a low self-esteem or feeling of guilt that we don’t deserve to be happy. It could be a lack of persistence to do consistently what needs to be done to become who we want to be. It may be fear of failure or success. For many of us, it’s a combination of these causes. However, one or two play a predominant role in stopping us from getting to our joyful place. The key to success is identifying, understanding, and working on these core limiting beliefs.

Living with and not overcoming our limiting beliefs is like driving with the breaks on. It’s probable that when the right time and place arrive in our life, we won’t recognize the moment, not act on it, or will sabotage the opportunity.

As time passes, I work through my limiting beliefs and realize that when I overcome one of them, there is another I discover. Working through each limiting belief makes me stronger, more aware, and prepares me for future opportunities.

Overcoming limiting beliefs is like overcoming fears. As long as we keep growing, it’s not going to go away, and we need to continue pushing through it. So, I ask myself what is my limiting belief that prevents me from reaching my next dream, continue to grow, and become the person I want to be? And I ask you the same. What is yours?

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